How can I pay my bill?
- Set up your Account Login to pay online
- Enroll in our Auto Pay
- Pay by check mailed to PGS PO Box 399 Pleasanton, CA 94566
- Pay at our office 3110 Busch Rd., Pleasanton, CA 94566
- Pay over the phone with a credit card
What time is my garbage, recycling and organics collected?
- Pick up times can vary from week to week if a regular driver is off and a substitute drive is assigned or if there are route changes.
- Each commodity is picked up by a different truck and driver so times do vary.
- Your cart must be out the night before your scheduled pickup. Please place your cart at the curb edge with at least three feet clearance from other objects such as motor vehicles, basketball hoops or trees.
What if my cart(s) were missed?
- Was anything blocking the collection of your cart(s)?
- Were your carts accessible?
- Were the carts were out for pickup the night before?
- Call PGS at (925) 846-2042 to report your missed pickup
I have more garbage than will fit in my cart. What do I do?
Call Pleasanton Garbage Service customer service at (925) 846-2042 at least one day before your regular collection day to schedule extra collection service. Place all extra garbage in thick plastic bags. There is a per bag charge that will be added to your quarterly bill. Do not place overflow garbage in cans or boxes. Extras that have not been called into our office in advance will not be collected.
What do I do with my used household batteries and old cell phones?
Single family residential customers may recycle their household batteries and cell phones by placing them in a heavy duty zip type plastic bag. Click here for more instructions.
What should I do with my old computer or TV?
Residential customers can recycle your e-waste by utilizing one of your three free Bulky Item Pickups. They can also be brought to the Pleasanton Transfer Station at 3110 Busch Rd., Pleasanton.
How do I schedule a Bulky Item Pickup?
Single family residential customers are eligible to schedule three on call Bulky Item Pickups per year at their convenience. Call (925) 846-2042 to schedule your Bulky Item Pickup. On call collection service will be provided within seven business days of request, unless otherwise requested by the customer.
How do I dispose of medications and pharmaceuticals?
Drop off medications for safe handling at the Pleasanton Police Department and other self-service kiosk locations in Pleasanton. Use www.StopWaste.org/HHW to find other drop off locations.
How do I dispose of my needles?
It is illegal to throw these items in a trash or recycling bin since they could cause an injury. “Sharps” is a medical term for devices with sharp points or edges that can puncture or cut skin. Examples of sharps include needles, syringes, lancets, auto injectors (such as EpiPens), and infusions sets.
Disposal Options:- Sharps can be dropped-off at any of the Alameda County Household Hazardous Waste facilities.
- Smaller Sharps containers (up to 1-gallon in size) can also be dropped off at 2 self-service kiosk locations in Pleasanton.
- Mail-back: Another option is to purchase a mail-back sharps container that comes with a prepaid box to mail the container back. Purchase a container online at SharpsDisposal.com, or Sharpsinc.com. These containers may also be available at your local pharmacy.
- CalRecycle has additional information about sharps disposal.
- Use the RE:Source sorting guide below for other locations.
What should I do with old paint?
Latex paint may be brought to the Pleasanton Transfer Station for proper recycling.
Do I have to rinse jars, bottles and cans?
If empty jars, bottles, and cans have visible residue within the container, you should rinse them out before placing them in the recycling cart.
Can I recycle my used motor oil and filters?
Yes call PGS at (925) 846-2042 and request your heavy duty oil jug and filter bag. Only PGS provided jugs and bags will be collected. Place your used motor oil and filter bag at the curb next to your carts on your collection day. Please make sure the jug is visible.
I’m doing a project or cleanup on my house and have more garbage than usual. How do I get rid of it?
You can schedule a Bulky Item Pickup if you do not have more than 5 cubic yards.
If you do have a larger amount call PGS and order a Drop Box. We have just the size you need for any project. -
Can I use a plastic bag for my green cart?
No. Plastic bags or any other content that is not compostable damage an entire green waste load; forcing the content to go to the landfill.
If a product has the three arrows symbol on it, doesn’t that mean it’s recyclable?
The three arrows symbol is not an indication that an item can be recycled. The recycling symbol is unregulated, meaning that no authority controls who places the symbol on what product, be it recyclable or not. The plastics industry uses the recycling symbol as an "in house" coding system to identify resin types.
The recycling symbol, or chasing arrows, is found on most plastic products and identifies the type of plastic resin used in the product.
It is important to follow the guidelines issued by the City and PGS, not the labeling on the product. Technically, almost everything manufactured could be recyclable if there was a reliable end-buyer for the material. The existence of a recycling market is typically dependent upon a manufacturer buying the product back for remanufacture. When an industry distributes a product and then uses virgin materials to manufacture new products, it creates material without a recycling market. In order for a material to be recyclable, there has to be a demand for it on the market, and that's what determines what can and cannot be accepted.
How can I keep the shredded paper from making a mess in the street if I place it in the food/green waste container without a bag?
Using a paper bag to dispose of shredded contents is a simple way to secure shredded paper in your food/green waste container.
What are the guidelines for cart placement?
Carts must be placed in the street with the wheels at the curb or road edge. Please leave three feet between carts and avoid obstacles such as low trees and carports.
What is the holiday service schedule? How does it affect my service day?
Pleasanton Garbage Service collects garbage every weekday except Christmas and New Years. On years when these holidays fall on a weekday, your garbage collection will be postponed to the next day. For example, Christmas Day (falls on Monday) collections will be delayed one day for the entire week through Saturday.
When can I set out my Holiday Tree for pickup?
Click here for Holiday Tree collection information
How to reach us?
Our office is available by telephone Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 12:00 pm and 1:00pm to 5:00pm. (closed 12:00pm to 1:00pm daily for lunch)
Call (925) 846-2042 or email info@pleasantongarbageservice.com.